HP6235A triple power supply
The 6235A is a (triple) power supply which was sold by HP and much what I said about the 6201B is also true about this unit. My unit is in perfect working condition and I paid approx. 70 USD for it.
As the 6201B this unit uses an analog meter to monitor the voltages and currents. This supply consists of three outputs with the following specs:
- Output 1: Voltage: 0 to 6V, 0 to 1A
- Output 2: Voltage: 0 to 18V, 0 to 0.2A
- Output 3: Voltage: 0V to -18V, 0 to 0.2A
- Output 2 & 3 track each other, that means both output voltages are changed at the same time with the same knob. The track potentiometer chooses a fixed factor between the two output voltages.

In comparison to the 6201B I own this power supply does not have a coarse and fine tune control for the output voltages. It also lacks a current limitation feature which could be useful from time to time. Nevertheless I think this supply will be very helpful to supply dual supply circuits because of its tracking feature. This feature will make sure that both the positive and negative supply rail will be always the same while powering the circuit up.

The inside construction is very clean again. Most likely I will change the capacitors very soon, because the are very old already and the also do not have any high pressure relief opening which makes me worried what could happen if the finally fail one day. Because the capacitors are pretty big the outcome could be quite dramatic.